We made it to Limon, Colorado on Saturday night. You know what's in Limon?..........nothing but motels and a few gas stations. You know why? Because there is pure-D nothing between here and there. Anyway- the girls got what they wanted- a swimming pool.
Saturday we took off to Montana. We got there about 9:30pm our time. Long time in the car, but so worth it. No humidity!!
We lazy'd around in our "home" the next morning- Eric napping and me reading a book.
This is our home for the week. THANkS AUNT JANNA!! For all you haters of only children - thrhthththththtthh !
So on Sunday the girls played in the creek below Janna's house after a nice lunch enjoyed with Nat. Sunday night Janna gave a nice birthday part for her friend Jill- yummy food and burgers.
Monday the girls went shopping and the boys tinkered on trucks. I found a few treats in Big Timber to bring back home. When we got back, Leah and Elizabeth got back in the creek.
A cool front blew in last night and we woke to much cooler temps today. The thermometer said 49. It's 8:30 now and the tahoe thermometer says 63. Much better than back home. Today we are headed to Yellowstone to see my sweet Grandma and Chuck.
Uhhh... don't get to liking it there too much and start thinking about becoming Montanans. It looks ans sounds wonderful there. Fill your days with the spectacular weather and pack as much as you can to bring home cause it's triple digit heat here. I wish I had as much fun as those girls. I think they create fun where ever they go. They certainly love the water. Tell them I send my love. Keep posting; I'll be watching for it.
Jealous, green with envy, poor Pitiful me..... Is the only words I can find! I sure hate we miss this trip. I miss that place so much. Plus I really need to add to my John Worth collection. Glad y'all are having a good time. Sneak some of that no humidity back home for me.