Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Bible School Week

It's vacation bible school week at Shiloh. Vacation?? I think it was called this because of the time of the year when most bible schools are held. When I first started going to Shiloh, not THAT many years ago, bible school was a LONG week affair. Bible school was held in the morning and revival was at night. Revival started on Sunday night, VBS was in the morning, with a sermon by the revival evangelist preaching after bible school, then a sermon that night, and it ended on SATURDAY!! Oh we were so tired and so were the evangelist. Now our revival is a separate week and Monday thru Friday. Bible schools are usually held at night too since most teachers/moms work during the day. Here are a few pics from last night.

These are two of the kids in my class...

......some kids never grow up.

Leah and Tucker in refreshments......

.....Tucker not so happy. She looks so much like Bradley.

........Craft time.

1 comment:

  1. Love the photos Niki, they bring back memories but I don't think your Mom and I ever got to wear SHORTS to Bible school did we??
