Monday, October 19, 2009

The Weekend Adventures of the Petty House

Here I am again. Wow. I have a moment during my lunch break, so I will write quickly.

Elizabeth made a 100% on her spelling test, in which we have been working really hard towards. She struggles with "wanting" to do homework or study, so achieving this grade was wonderful. The teacher says she is really working hard to make her listen during class.

While Elizabeth was working hard in school on Friday, Leah and I went shopping for the upcoming events of the next two weekends. Leah's birthday party is Friday night, Elizabeth is queen for her class in the fall festival for her school on Saturday, and then I have a big surprise for them Saturday night. The next weekend is Halloween, so we also shopped for costumes. My biggest struggle on Friday was finding Elizabeth a pair of dress shoes for the fall festival that match her brown dress. Finding dress shoes period was hard enough. We did not find any in Hot Springs. After we picked up Elizabeth from school we went to Benton and looked all over that town. I finally got some, but they are not my favorite. I have settled. BBBOOOOO.

I haven't shopped like that since, well......I don't remember when. We didn't get back home until 8:45. I didn't think Leah would make it that long, but she was a trooper. We ate at Chick-fil-a and she got to play, so I think that helped. She did say several times though "You never say yes, it's always NO, NO, NO. " Poor princess.

Saturday was all about work. Eric worked in the yard, mowing for one last time, picking up limbs, filling the tractor with fuel. I washed clothes and picked up the house. The girls went over to mom's to "help" her pick up limbs. Probably bugged her more than helped. I helped Eric after lunch to rake some leaves. We watched the football game after working, and then went to bed at a decent hour. Oh yeah - we built a fire on the deck, too and had chili for supper outside. It was rather chilly!

Sunday came early! Elizabeth woke me around 5:30am with a fever. Yes, it has arrived at my home now, whatever IT is. I stayed at home with her yesterday from church, then we ate at mom's for lunch. Her fever climbed yesterday and she still had one this morning. Eric has stayed at home to take her to the doctor. We should know in the next hour what "IT' is. I hope it's not the flu. We are scheduled for flu shots on Wednesday, but that will probably not happen now. We'll see.

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